Metal Roof Coating Systems
Metal Roof Coating Systems are an economical, attractive, and energy efficient way to restore your old metal roof, making it water tight, clean, and protected once again. Permanently!
Metal roofs are great...for a while. Once the gaskets under the fastener heads start to fail, seams leak, and the factory finish fades away or rust you are left with an unattractive ever leaking mess. Unfortunately, this often leads to misguided attempts at repair such as, spotting fastener heads with silicone or tar, spreading tar/silicone on seams, or attempts at applying roof coatings by untrained individuals. If they work at all, these remedies are temporary. Often times, depending on the attempted remedy, the building owner may unknowingly drive up the cost of properly repairing the roof. Before you attempt a repair, contact us for a free job assessment and estimate.
R-Mech Warehouse - Before
R-Mech Warehouse - Prepped/During
At this point in the job the roof has been cleaned and primed with a rust inhibiting primer. Next the vertical and horizontal seams were treated and the fastener heads have been sealed. This roof is ready for base coat, then a bright white seamless top coat.
This roof isn’t done yet but it is already water tight.
As you can see, this roof has come a long way. A few days ago it was a rusted leaking mess. Now it is a clean bright white. At 85% solar reflectivity this building owner is sure to save money on his A/C cost. Most importantly, they are staying dry inside. Guaranteed.
R-Mech Warehouse - Completed/Finished